Straight Pin

About this product

The Straight Pin (#90250-06003), a key component in the Drive-Chassis and Engine-Fuel systems of a Toyota vehicle, is tasked with maintaining alignment and stability within these complex mechanisms. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Straight Pin (#90250-06003), are ideal for vehicle compatibility and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In operation, the Straight Pin (#90250-06003) secures various components in proper alignment to enable precise, reliable functionality. However, over time, this part can wear out, break, or become displaced, potentially causing misalignment and instability in the systems it supports. When neglected, this seemingly minor issue can lead to serious mechanical damage and performance issues. Regular replacement of the Straight Pin (#90250-06003) is therefore crucial to maintaining the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety. This humble part plays a significant role in ensuring smooth, reliable operation of your Toyota vehicle.